Die Stadt
Politik und Geschichte
Finanzen, Wirtschaft, Umwelt
Wissenschaft, Forschung, Bildung
Stadtentwicklung, Bauen, Verkehr
Soziales, Gesundheit, Sport

Berlin and Brandenburg need to work together in developing and organising the relationship between the urban area and the surrounding regions. The balance of interests between Berlin and Brandenburg is achieved by numerous consultations and agreements. In the joint coordinating committee (founded in 1996) the governments of both federal states make decisions.

Sustainable joint federal state planning of the two federal states is of central importance. It must aim to preserve the natural basis of existence and at the same time strengthen the joint economic region for competition on a European scale. The foundations and processes to further this aim were put in place in the federal state planning agreement between Berlin and Brandenburg in April 1995. In this agreement, it was also decided to set up a joint federal state planning department for the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg (GL). This transfer of joint federal state planning processes to an independent public body is unique in Germany.

The major tasks of this department include preparing and updating the federal state development programme and the federal state development plans, adapting communal zoning plans to the joint goals in federal state planning and implementing zoning proceedings for projects that affect the territory of both states. The aim is to create the conditions for a balanced distribution of development opportunities and potential.

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